
センター長 内山登紀夫


1983年3月 順天堂大学医学部卒業後、同大医学部精神医学講座入局。1987年より順天堂越谷精神医学研究所付属病院に勤務。1988年都立梅ケ丘病院精神科に児童精神科医として勤務を開始。1987年より順天堂越谷精神医学研究所付属病院、都立梅ケ丘病院精神科を経て、1994年ノースカロライナ大学医学部精神科部に留学。1997年より仲町台発達障害診療所に勤務し、英国The Centre for Social Communication Disorders(現Lorna Wing Centre)へ留学。1999年 大妻女子大学勤務(2009年退職)、翌年よこはま発達クリニックを開設。2009年に福島大学人間文化発達学類教授に就任(2016年より子どものメンタルヘルス支援事業推進室客員教授、2022年退任)。東日本大震災直後から発達障害の子どもたちの支援と研究活動を続け、2013年4月より福島県立医科大学会津医療センター特任教授(2022年3月まで)、2016年10月より英国バース大学心理学科応用自閉症研究センター(Centre for Applied Autism Research:CAAR)名誉研究員就任。2022年より福島学院大学心理福祉学部教授、2023年より同大副学長


Dr. UCHIYAMA graduated from Juntendo University’s Faculty of Medicine , and he started his career at the Department of Psychiatry in 1983. In 1987, he started to work at Juntendo Institute of Mental Health Hospital, and then in 1988, worked at Tokyo Metropolitan Umegaoka Hospital as a Child Psychiatrist. In 1994, he studied abroad at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry. In 1997, while working at Nakamachidai Developmental Disorder Clinic, he again studied abroad at The Centre for Social Communication Disorders in the UK (currently the Lorna Wing Centre). In 1999, he started to work for Otsuma Women’s University, then in 2000 he established the Yokohama Psycho-Developmental Clinic. In 2009, he was appointed as a Professor in the Faculty of Human Development and Culture, Fukushima University, and then a Visiting Professor at the Children’s Mental Health Support Project Promotion Office. His extensive support and research activities for children’s mental health and well-being have been ongoing since immediately after the 3.11 disaster. Thus far, he has served multiple key positions, including Specially Appointed Professor at FMU’s Aizu Medical Center and Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Autism Research, Department of Psychology, University of Bath. In 2022, he was appointed as a Professor in the Department of Welfare Psychology, Fukushima College, where he now serves as a Vice President.

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